42ste AICA congres in Valencia en Barcelona in november 2008

Het 42ste Internationale AICA Congres wordt dit jaar van 7 -14 november gehouden in Valencia en Barcelona.  Het onderwerp is Concepts and Realities of Arts and its Economies. Hieronder volgt voor de AICA leden de informatie om deel te nemen aan het congres.

Het internationale Draft programme :
English : http://aica-int.org/spip.php?article725
French : http://aica-int.org/spip.php?article727
Spanish: http://aica-int.org/spip.php?article726

Call for papers :
English : http://aica-int.org/spip.php?article741
French : http://aica-int.org/spip.php?article740
Spanish: http://aica-int.org/spip.php?article742

The registration form as well as the logistical information for Valencia, Barcelona and the post-congress will be available by 30 June 2008. The deadline of the registration is 30 September 2008.

Further information can be asked to :
Valencia : Alba Braza Boils / Email : albra21@hotmail.com
Barcelona : Núria Gregori / Email : bcn.aicacongress08@gmail.com  / nuriagregori@yahoo.es 



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